Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Field Reports

Field Reports

Interview with Todd Korol

Interview with Todd Korol

Todd Korol has been a contributor to Canadian Geographic for over 20 years. He draws his inspiration from National Geographic photographers, whose work he grew up with. '[National Geographic] had a big influence for a generation of us photographers; it taught us how to be photographers, how to approach a story, how to look at one.' Now he takes those lessons to heart: For every portrait, cityscape, street photo or sports shot, the setting is just as important as the subject

Interview with Tim Smith

Interview with Tim Smith

Tim Smith recently received the National Newspaper Award for his portrait of Hutterite children skipping down a pyramid of bales underneath a painted sky. It's a big step for the Winnipeg native, who as a child used to snap photos of his friends in action with a camera he inherited from his parents (he later upgraded to a Pentax MZ50). Smith documented every moment he and his friends shared, from Tarzaaning across creeks to skateboarding. They were awful, awful pictures, but I enjoyed it says Smith, who has since made a successful career of snapping special moments in people's daily lives.

Interview with Scott Linstead

Interview with Scott Linstead

Scott Linstead grew up with a fascination for building things that have to be foolproof. He wanted to be an aerospace engineer and was well on his way to a career in the field. He found the nine-to-five schedule, cubicle setting and punching numbers all day didn't suit him, so he switched to the teaching field, instructing math and science in public high schools. When his wife Stephanie bought a used bookstore, he finally had the financial stability to move on to photography. Today, he combines his technological know-how with photography to produce images that people wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to see.

Interview with Yuichi Takasaka

Interview with Yuichi Takasaka

Yuichi Takasaka's love affair with the night sky began more than 20 years ago when he travelled from Tokyo, Japan, to Jasper, Alta., to photograph the northern lights for the first time. Attracted to the north, Takasaka moved to Yellowknife, the premier location from which to view the nighttime wonder. 'From there you can get well over 200 nights of the northern lights every year,' he says. His shots have appeared in SkyNews and on NASA's website and he is a member of The World At Night, an elite group of sky photographers.

Interview with Renaud Philippe

Interview with Renaud Philippe

On his own dime, photographer Renaud Philippe bravely travels to conflict and disaster zones throughout the world, such as Libya's border with Tunisia, and Haiti. Once there, he discovers stories of human endurance and of Canadians helping amid the most dire circumstances. On the flip side, attending his first Canada Day celebration in Ottawa last year, he witnessed the pride and diversity that binds and pushes us to be global citizens. His work has appeared in Maclean's, Global Post, Le Figaro, Days Japan and Mare magazine.

Interview with Lorne Bridgman

Interview with Lorne Bridgman

During an elementary school assignment in the late 1970's, photographer Lorne Bridgman remembers picking an illustrated card out of a box and then having to write a short story based on the drawing. It had a profound effect on him, since Bridgman approaches his photography the same way today ' by asking viewers to wrap their own narratives around his shots. To immerse readers in a story about the rebirth of Toronto's Don River, Bridgman returned several times during different seasons and times of day to capture the mood around the waterway. His other work has appeared in The Walrus, enRoute and The New York Times Magazine.

Interview with Tobin Grimshaw

Interview with Tobin Grimshaw

No one forced a camera into Tobin Grimshaw's hands, but a love of visual arts and an interest in documenting his adventures evolved into a career in photography. After traveling around Europe with his camera, Grimshaw began to look at photography more seriously. He landed a job as an assistant photographer, which led to an internship at the Toronto Star. His infatuation with adventure and new life experiences helped him to master the art and build an impressive portfolio. Now, nearly a decade later, Grimshaw photographs subjects ranging from people to sports to fashion for publications such Maclean's, The Globe and Mail, The Washington Post and Canadian Geographic, to name a few. In the July/August 2011 issue of CG, Grimshaw traveled across Canada by train to capture the people and places of the Canadian railway system for 'Glances from a train'.

Interview with Nayan Sthankiya

Interview with Nayan Sthankiya

When Saskatoon native Nayan Sthankiya set out on assignment to photograph the South Saskatchewan River, he was surprised to find a growing desert near its waters. In fact, the arid land of the Great Sand Hills reminded him of his visits to northern India, and during his shoot he thought of parallels in the lives of Saskatchewan's farmers and those living a world away. Sthankiya's far-flung travels have taken him to North Korea and his work has appeared in The New York Times, The Guardian and National Geographic Korea.

Interview with Tim Calver

Interview with Tim Calver

To train himself as an underwater photographer, Tim Calver moved to the island of Bimini in the Bahamas with the intent of visiting for six months. He ended up staying eight years. In his shots of Grenada it's easy to see why. Crystal-clear water and friendly faces fill the frame along with colourful wildlife nestled in the crannies of coral reefs. For Calver, underwater photography has opened a world of swimming with humpback whales, sea turtles and celebrities on shoots for the Discovery Channel, Oceana, Audubon and Time.

Interview with Liam Sharp

Interview with Liam Sharp

Learning from his father and assisting other pros, Liam Sharp had a hands-on education in photography that no fine arts program could hope to rival. 'In our house,' he says, 'you just sort of do it.' Now a regular contributor to Report on Business magazine, his work has appeared in the pages of virtually every major Canadian publication and many of Britain's most widely read magazines. A holder of both British and Canadian passports, he splits his time and work between Toronto and London when not globe-trotting on assignment.