Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Catching some AIR!

Catching some AIR!

by LanceUnderwood from Cowichan Bay CA on 03 Sep 2013

Windy, a young female humpback whale, breaches in the Strait of Georgia. As a whale watching captain, there are many whales that I really enjoy...Windy is probably my favourite. Every time I see her she either cuts loose and flies through the air, or comes right up to my boat and has a good long look at me.

  • Camera: Canon EOS REBEL T3i
  • Focal: 150 mm
  • Shutter speed: 0.0005 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 8
  • ISO: 400
tagged: humpback bc whale breach


Tessa_Storey posted 2013-09-06 8:39pm

Lucky you, Great capture

holly posted 2013-09-03 4:33pm

Luv it!! Fantastic shot captain!


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