While taking photos of this beauty perched on a power pole its head went down and at first I thought it was preening.. but it was falling asleep! I got a great series of shots while its head bobbed up and down and it was a delightful experience for me. It's one of the most unusual encounters I've had with any wild bird and one that I won't forget.
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What a great shot.
Where's my coffee? Nice shot.
Thanks for your comment, Tom. I appreciate your concern for the owl. Actually, he perked up after I got this photo. He was used to my presence, which makes quite a difference, and I photographed him later as he took off down the field to hunt. This was taken along a country road nearby where the snowy owls return to almost every winter, and that I travel along frequently.
A very interesting photo, but I would be concerned that this owl may not be healthy. Hopefully, I'm mistaken.