Canadian Geographic Photo Club - A Cougar Lunch

A Cougar Lunch

by Dan_Duhamel from Rocky Mtn. House CA on 09 Feb 2015

My son and I followed a set of cougar tracks down towards the frozen river. One hour later, we stumbled across this kill partly buried! "'s time to leave".

  • Camera: NIKON D3100
  • Focal: 29 mm
  • Shutter speed: 0.0125 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 8
  • ISO: 400
tagged: north sask. river


Melinda Alex posted 2015-07-15 11:18am

I appreciate your photography must look into world best photography website YouPic and get awards and inspiration

katiegail posted 2015-02-10 9:52am

Oh my gosh! You don't see that every day.


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