Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Snow geese migration in Quebec

Snow geese migration in Quebec

by SergeyDoudko from Pierrefonds CA on 20 Apr 2015

The current Greater Snow Goose population is estimated at between 755,500 and 874,000 geese, based on a survey conducted by the Canadian Wildlife Service in the spring of 2005. Around 500 000 of them take stop on their way to Canadian North in the area of Baie-du-Febvre and Lake-Saint-Pierre - it is on St Lawrence river between Montreal and Trois-Rivieres every April until the beginning of May. When thousands of geese take up together it creates memories of lifetime. A must see.

  • Camera: PENTAX K-5 II s
  • Focal: 135 mm
  • Shutter speed: 0.0008 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 10
  • ISO: 200
tagged: snow geese bird watch quebec bird migration


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