Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Whiskey Jack

Whiskey Jack

by mike6639 from Brampton CA on 11 Nov 2015

Picture taken along the Mizzy Lake Trail in Algonquin Park, Ontario

  • Camera: Canon EOS REBEL T3i
  • Focal: 171 mm
  • Shutter speed: 0.003125 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6
  • ISO: 320
tagged: algonquin ontario whiskey jack bird


mike6639 posted 2015-11-12 11:14am

First time seeing a Whiskey Jack...they're apparently quite common in Algonquin Park, and quite used to people, as they will land very close to you (probably looking for a hand out!). Thanks for the feedback.

Dave McLean posted 2015-11-11 3:10pm

Nice shot! I love Whiskey Jacks! His beak and tail both seem to be slightly outside of the DoF. A slightly closed down aperture would have changed this - maybe only 1 stop...


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