Canadian Geographic Photo Club - One Anter Buck

One Anter Buck

by Arvo Poolar from Scarborough CA on 27 Dec 2015

A few days ago this buck had both his antlers but he does share his range with another and perhaps a showdown took place and one was broken off

  • Camera: NIKON D7000
  • Focal: 300 mm
  • Shutter speed: 0.002 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 9
  • ISO: 1250
tagged: white tailed deer buck wildlife nature natural outdoors ontario canada scarborough nature photography wildlife photographer arvo poolar

1 comment

Wayne_Duke posted 2015-12-27 11:02pm

Arvo Poolar, your one antler buck in all likelyhood has naturally lost the one side of it's rack and soon the second side will fall off. It's a yearly think and next Spring he'll grow back another rack, bigger than the previous year. Mice and other rodents will gnaw on the fallen antlers.


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