Canadian Geographic Photo Club - What to do?

What to do?

by gordonpusnik from Eagle Lake CA on 09 Oct 2016

What do you do when an otter has come between you and your camera bag? This otter was one of four which were surrounding my camera bag eating fish, when I returned in my kayak after photographing some waterfowl. By the time this photo was taken then other three had jumped off the dock and surrounded my kayak snorting and grunting at me, in an attempt to drive me off. Needless to say they all eventually gave up, and my gear was back with me safe and sound.

  • Camera: Canon EOS 70D
  • Focal: 400 mm
  • Shutter speed: 0.0008 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6
  • ISO: 6400
tagged: otter animals wildlife nature ontario canada


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