Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Dead Burnt Tree

Dead Burnt Tree

by MariamJ. Karim from Richmond Hill CA on 03 Jun 2017

Visited Athabasca falls and saw this beautiful tree which was burnt and dead. When i looked at it closer i noticed that the tree was silver in colour as if someone had spray painted it. Looked around and they were a few of those trees just like that which was had fallen down. Nature has its own way!

  • Camera: Canon EOS 750D
  • Focal: 55 mm
  • Shutter speed: 0.0125 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6
tagged: #tree athabascafalls #jasper

1 comment

Sticks posted 2017-06-05 9:00pm

Cool - I like yer backdrop for the photograph as well :) Your focus really brings out the differing greens in the forest.


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