Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Milky Way over Saskatchewan

Milky Way over Saskatchewan

by Freaktography from Burlington CA on 29 Jan 2024

This is a single-frame, drone-lit shot of an abandoned church in Scrip, Saskatchewan. On my first night in Saskatchewan it ended up being my only night with a totally clear sky, allowing me to see the Milky Way. For this photo I set my camera on a tripod and sent my drone up with a light affixed to it, directly above the church. I exposed for the sky and then let the drone illuminate the church by zipping it back and forth for roughly 30 seconds, resulting in this photo!

  • Camera: NIKON D7500
  • Focal: 18 mm
  • Shutter speed: 25 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 3.5
tagged: drone lighting sky church milky way stars night purple green abandoned prairies saskatchewan countryside nature outdoors rural travel canada photography architecture building spire tower grass plant shelter astronomy nebula outer_space dome milky_way lawn starry_sky atmosphere window natural_environment natural_landscape atmospheric_phenomenon landscape


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