Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Cougar Encounter

Cougar Encounter

by Bruce C Turnbull from Penticton CA on 15 Dec 2024

While walking along an old gravel road up the Kettle River Valley, I was photographing a deer off the side of the road but then noticed something come out onto the road just a short distance from me and it was a Cougar. I turned my camera away from the deer and got a few photos of the Cougar before it wandered off into the bush. It appeared very curious as to what I was up too as it sat down for a brief moment watching me and then dropped off the road out of sight. I do not think it noticed the deer.

  • Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
  • Focal: 500 mm
  • Shutter speed: 0.002 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5
tagged: animal lion mammal wildlife cougar pumas felidae carnivores terrestrial_animal panthera snout


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