Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Deer Encounter

Deer Encounter

by danidmedia from Ottawa Canada on 02 Feb 2025

I spotted this white-tailed doe hidden quite well among some heavy sticks. The only thing that gave her away was when she moved her white tail (I saw her back end first). I turned off my car and sat in there for a time. She kept her eye on me. Eventually I got out of the car and knelt down beside my car on the side of the quiet side road with my head bent down. I wanted to make myself as small as possible to show I wasn't a threat. It paid off because she kept coming closer and closer, showing me she was comfortable with me being there. She continued to eat berries off nearby shrubs and, in between bites, gave me some poses. It was a lovely experience. We stayed together for about a half hour. I was the first to leave -- she kept eating her berries.

  • Camera: NIKON Z 8
  • Focal: 560 mm
  • Shutter speed: 0.0015625 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 8
tagged: doe female deer white tailed ottawa canada wildlife animal mammal kangaroo vertebrate neck snout terrestrial_animal close-up


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