Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Loco CN 5697 eastbound at Clover Bar, Alberta. Pentax 67II with 55mm lens. Efke

Loco CN 5697 eastbound at Clover Bar, Alberta. Pentax 67II with 55mm lens. Efke

Loco CN 5697 eastbound at Clover Bar, Alberta. Pentax 67II with 55mm lens. Efke
by materialsguy on 26 Jun 2012

Loco CN 5697 eastbound at Clover Bar, Alberta. Pentax 67II with 55mm lens. Efke R50 in Microdol. Image was 100% crop using 1/ 4 of the original 6x7 image area.

tagged: locomotive railway train transportation vehicle sky plant rolling_stock mode_of_transport track rolling railroad_car

1 comment

Melinda Alex posted 2015-07-16 6:35am

i love it your photography dear please must make a profile on website Youpic I strongly recommended you


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