Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Photoshop Fun

Photoshop Fun

by RobertCook from St Catharines CA on 31 Oct 2012

I let my imagination go rampant here. Two Vulcan warp sleds respond to a distress call and are on a mission to rescue Klingon crew from a destroyed vessel being sucked into a black hole. Another Klingon warbird is defending against the unseen attacker. This is the last image in this series, I hope I haven't inconvenienced anyone.

tagged: photoshopfun


Susan_C posted 2014-10-12 9:04pm

I envy your imagination and talent.

debbie oppermann posted 2012-10-31 10:37am

Terrific fun series - I' m just going to have to get my Star Trek movies out now and rewatch for about the 100th time!!


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