Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Media Search

Tessa_Storey commented on "" 2012-10-05 4:16pm

Love this shot Mark

Chazz commented on "" 2012-10-05 4:10pm

Good to see you here Rena, lovely image of the Autumn Leaves

Chazz commented on "" 2012-10-05 3:09pm

Hey Ken, good to find you here. I've spent half the afternoon trying to find my way around this very difficult site, will take a lot of getting used to. Great shot of the sumac, nice work Ken

momof4 commented on "" 2012-10-05 1:31pm

It was done for a contest requiring a story be told with hands. I think it says a lot. My 9 yr old making me a birthday card! Oct 4/12. Thanks

Chazz commented on "" 2012-10-05 1:10pm

Hey Shelley, I made it over feeew.!!! This site will take some getting used to. Fantastic shot of the Fox, well done

debbie oppermann commented on "" 2012-10-05 1:00pm

Hey Mark
I am very confused with this new site - don't like it at all and did not get an email from CG so I don't know where any of my stuff is at - but great shot!

Kim_B commented on "" 2012-10-05 12:21pm

Hi Laura: I found you through Jenny! I guess that's what we will all be doing for a while. Not sure if you have made it over yet, but will be glad to see your wonderful images once again :)

Jenny_Stevens commented on "" 2012-10-05 11:45am

Hi Shelley... good to find you and I only found you because I saw Kim's comment and I clicked on 'Red Fox' and there you are. What a terrific shot and what a look. Sort of sly, yet almost coy ! All my grizzly bear shots this week have been deleted. hmmm I am not liking facebook either. Again, great shot.

Kim_B commented on "" 2012-10-05 11:41am

Excellent shot Ken...I am happy to see you :)

Kim_B commented on "" 2012-10-05 11:39am

Great image Shelley :)
