Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Profile

Stephen Shikaze

  • Joined November, 2018
  • City Calgary
  • Country CA
  • Uploads 0
  • Comments 8

My name is Stephen Shikaze, and I am a wildlife photographer from Calgary, Canada. Since I was a child I have had a passion for wildlife and conservation, and I was always searching for tangible ways to remember moments spent in nature. Photography seemed like the best way of doing this through the old saying "take only pictures, leave only footprints". I first started photographing wildlife when I was 12, and I have done so seriously for the past several years. Throughout this time, I have had so many amazing encounters with wild animals, each of which has their own story to tell. I have also met countless like-minded people, many of whom share the same values as I do in protecting and conserving wildlife and their habitats. There is no greater privilege than to witness a wild animal behaving as though you aren't even there, and photography has allowed me to share these intimate moments vicariously with others through my images. My vision in photography is to inspire action for conservation initiatives, and I hope to accomplish this through capturing the personality, charisma, and behavior of wild animal species in my photos. My full gallery is available on Instagram @StephenShikaze or on my website at




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