Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Profile


  • Joined January, 2010
  • Website
  • City calgary
  • Province Alberta
  • Country CA
  • Uploads 2
  • Comments 23

I started photographing 4 years ago to compliment my passion for flyfishing, This soon became just as much of a passion and a good distraction from the hectic pace of working in the oil and gas business of which I am still involved in. I have learned so much from other photographers and realize I have so much more to learn. I believe that there is a place for photo manipulation and extreme photoshop however the photos I take are as I have seen them and I strieve to only adjust sharpening, color correction and white balance on all of my photos to keep them as realistic as possible. My goal is not to upset the balance of nature or put any animal or avian subject in harm in order to respect what natural course their lives may take. The world of nature has so much to offer and I want to make sure I see and appreciate all of it. Thanks for viewing I appreciate you taking the time.




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