Canadian Geographic Photo Club - Profile

Karen Cook

  • Joined August, 2014
  • Website
  • City Kingston
  • Province Nova Scotia
  • Country CA
  • Uploads 2
  • Comments 15

I have always enjoyed nature and the outdoors. As a child of a military family, travel took us from one coast of Canada to the other and to the Yukon Territory, where we explored the True North as a family, camping, fishing and just enjoying the beauty of the world around us. In the past couple of years, a newly discovered love for amateur photography combined with my interest in bird watching and walking has given me a hobby that I love. Never one to take life for granted, I enjoy all that nature has to offer, from tiny birds, glorious blossoms and flowers to the incredible and ever-changing sunrise and sunsets that happen each day. There is beauty in every day...sometimes we just have to look a little harder to find it!



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